1. From the Diabetes and Cardiovascular Research Center (G.J., J.H., A.R.A., V.G.D.M., M.R.H., J.R.S.), Department of Medical Pharmacology and Physiology (L.A.M.-L., V.G.D.M., G.A.M., J.R.S.), University of Missouri School of Medicine, Columbia; Research Service, Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans Hospital, Columbia, MO (G.J., J.H., A.R.A., L.A.M.-L., V.G.D.M., M.R.H., J.R.S.); Dalton Cardiovascular Research Center, University of Missouri, Columbia (L.A.M.-L., F.I.R.-P., Z.S., G.A.M., J.R.S.); and...