1. Auckland Bioengineering Institute (L.R.B., I.J.L., G.B.S., N.A.L., D.S.L., D.J.P., L.K.C., B.H.S.)
2. University of Auckland, New Zealand. IHULIRYC, Fondation Bordeaux Université, France (L.R.B.).
3. Université de Bordeaux, France (L.R.B.).
4. Inserm, U1045, Centre de Recherche Cardio-Thoracique de Bordeaux, France (L.R.B.).
5. Department of Physiology (I.J.L., D.S.L., D.J.P., B.H.S.)
6. and Department of Medicine (N.A.L.)
7. Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand (N.A.L.).
8. Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (D.J.P.).