How Accurate Is Inverse Electrocardiographic Mapping?


Bear Laura R.1234,LeGrice Ian J.15,Sands Gregory B.1,Lever Nigel A.167,Loiselle Denis S.15,Paterson David J.158,Cheng Leo K.1,Smaill Bruce H.15


1. Auckland Bioengineering Institute (L.R.B., I.J.L., G.B.S., N.A.L., D.S.L., D.J.P., L.K.C., B.H.S.)

2. University of Auckland, New Zealand. IHULIRYC, Fondation Bordeaux Université, France (L.R.B.).

3. Université de Bordeaux, France (L.R.B.).

4. Inserm, U1045, Centre de Recherche Cardio-Thoracique de Bordeaux, France (L.R.B.).

5. Department of Physiology (I.J.L., D.S.L., D.J.P., B.H.S.)

6. and Department of Medicine (N.A.L.)

7. Auckland City Hospital, New Zealand (N.A.L.).

8. Department of Physiology, Anatomy, and Genetics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom (D.J.P.).


Background: Inverse electrocardiographic mapping reconstructs cardiac electrical activity from recorded body surface potentials. This noninvasive technique has been used to identify potential ablation targets. Despite this, there has been little systematic evaluation of its reliability. Methods: Torso and ventricular epicardial potentials were recorded simultaneously in anesthetized, closed-chest pigs (n=5), during sinus rhythm, epicardial, and endocardial ventricular pacing (70 records in total). Body surface and cardiac electrode positions were determined and registered using magnetic resonance imaging. Epicardial potentials were reconstructed during ventricular activation using experiment-specific magnetic resonance imaging–based thorax models, with homogeneous or inhomogeneous (lungs, skeletal muscle, fat) electrical properties. Coupled finite/boundary element methods and a meshless approach based on the method of fundamental solutions were compared. Inverse mapping underestimated epicardial potentials >2-fold ( P <0.0001). RESULTS: Mean correlation coefficients for reconstructed epicardial potential distributions ranged from 0.60±0.08 to 0.64±0.07 across all methods. Epicardial electrograms were recovered with reasonable fidelity at ≈50% of sites (median correlation coefficient, 0.69–0.72), but variation was substantial. General activation spread was reproduced (median correlation coefficient, 0.72–0.78 for activation time maps after spatio-temporal smoothing). Epicardial foci were identified with a median location error ≈16 mm (interquartile range, 9–29 mm). Inverse mapping with meshless method of fundamental solutions was better than with finite/boundary element methods, and the latter were not improved by inclusion of inhomogeneous torso electrical properties. Conclusions: Inverse potential mapping provides useful information on the origin and spread of epicardial activation. However the spatio-temporal variability of recovered electrograms limit resolution and must constrain the accuracy with which arrhythmia circuits can be identified independently using this approach.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Physiology (medical),Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine







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