Sustained Suppression of Neointimal Proliferation by Sirolimus-Eluting Stents


Sousa J. Eduardo1,Costa Marco A.1,Abizaid Alexandre C.1,Rensing Benno J.1,Abizaid Andrea S.1,Tanajura Luiz F.1,Kozuma Ken1,Van Langenhove Glenn1,Sousa Amanda G.M.R.1,Falotico Robert1,Jaeger Judith1,Popma Jeffrey J.1,Serruys Patrick W.1


1. From the Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology (J.E.S., M.A.C., A.C.A., A.S.A., L.F.T., A.G.M.R.S.), São Paulo, Brazil; Thoraxcenter, Dijkzigt University Hospital (B.J.R., K.K., G.V.L. P.W.S.), Rotterdam, The Netherlands; Cordis, a Johnson and Johnson Company (R.F., J.J.), Warren, NJ; and Brigham and Women’s Hospital (J.J.P.), Boston, Mass.


Background We have previously reported a virtual absence of neointimal hyperplasia 4 months after implantation of sirolimus-eluting stents. The aim of the present investigation was to determine whether these results are sustained over a period of 1 year. Methods and Results Forty-five patients with de novo coronary disease were successfully treated with the implantation of a single sirolimus-eluting Bx VELOCITY stent in São Paulo, Brazil (n=30, 15 fast release [group I, GI] and 15 slow release [GII]) and Rotterdam, The Netherlands (15 slow release, GIII). Angiographic and volumetric intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) follow-up was obtained at 4 and 12 months (GI and GII) and 6 months (GIII). In-stent minimal lumen diameter and percent diameter stenosis remained essentially unchanged in all groups (at 12 months, GI and GII; at 6 months, GIII). Follow-up in-lesion minimal lumen diameter was 2.28 mm (GIII), 2.32 mm (GI), and 2.48 mm (GII). No patient approached the ≥50% diameter stenosis at 1 year by angiography or IVUS assessment, and no edge restenosis was observed. Neointimal hyperplasia, as detected by IVUS, was virtually absent at 6 months (2±5% obstruction volume, GIII) and at 12 months (GI=2±5% and GII=2±3%). Conclusions This study demonstrates a sustained suppression of neointimal proliferation by sirolimus-eluting Bx VELOCITY stents 1 year after implantation.


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Physiology (medical),Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine







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