1. The effect of certain drugs on the coronary blood flow of the trained dog
2. Further observations on action of (Irugs on caliber of coronary vessels; Papaverine hydrochloride, digitalis derivatives, amninophyllin, caffein, glucose, calcium gluconate and metrazol;LINDNER Ei.;J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therlap.,1941
3. Action of papaverine on heart of (log;FLEK S. R.;J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Therap.,1942
4. Further observations on action of drugs on coronary vessel caliber; Paiedrine, angiotonin, renin, quinidine, insulin, corammne, mag. sulfate, morphine, acid and alkali;AND;J. Pharmacol. & Exper. Theral.,1942
5. in heart disease. J.A._M.A. 120: 434 1942.