1. Program for Personalized and Genomic Medicine (E.A.S., L.B.J.J., K.A.M., M.L., T.I.P., M.D., K.A.R., J.A.P., J.O., A.B., K.P., B.D.M.), University of Maryland School of Medicine.
2. Department of Medicine (E.A.S., V.Y.S., L.B.J.J., K.A.M., M.L., T.I.P., M.D., K.A.R., J.A.P., J.O., A.B., B.D.M.), University of Maryland School of Medicine.
3. Division of Cardiolovascular Medicine (V.Y.S., T.I.P., K.P.), University of Maryland School of Medicine.
4. Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Medicine (A.M.G., T.Y., D.R.), Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN.
5. Department of Pharmacology (T.Y., D.R.), Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN.
6. Biomedical Informatics (D.R.), Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, TN.
7. Regeneron Genetics Center LLC, Tarrytown, NY (C.V.H., N.G., C.G.-J., A.E., A.R.S.).
8. Baltimore Veterans Administration Medical Center Geriatrics Research and Education Clinical Center, Baltimore, MD (B.D.M.).