1. Duke University Medical Center (B.U.), Duke University.
2. Duke Molecular Physiology Institute (L.C.K., S.H.S.), Duke University.
3. Division of General Internal Medicine, Department of Medicine (J.R., R.C.), Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC.
4. Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute (J.E.), Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC.
5. Stanford Center for Clinical Research, Department of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine (S. Swope, G.G., F.H., K.W.M.).
6. California Health & Longevity Institute, Westlake Village (T.S.).
7. Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine (P.D., N.P.), Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC.
8. Division of Retinal Ophthalmology, Department of Ophthalmology (P.M.), Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC.
9. Verily Life Sciences, San Francisco, CA (S. Shore).
10. Duke Clinical Research Institute (A.H.), Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC.