Reverse Structural and Gap-Junctional Remodeling After Prolonged Atrial Fibrillation in the Goat


Ausma Jannie1,van der Velden Huub M.W.1,Lenders Marie-Hélène1,van Ankeren Erwin P.1,Jongsma Habo J.1,Ramaekers Frans C.S.1,Borgers Marcel1,Allessie Maurits A.1


1. From the Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht (J.A., M.-H.L., F.C.S.R., M.B., M.A.A.) and University Medical Center Utrecht (H.M.W.v.d.V., E.P.v.A., H.J.J.), the Netherlands.


Background— Prolonged atrial fibrillation (AF) results in electrical, structural, and gap-junctional remodeling. We examined the reversibility of the changes in (ultra)structure and gap junctions. Methods and Results— Four groups of goats were used: (1) sinus rhythm (SR), (2) 4 months’ AF (4 mo AF), (3) 2 months’ SR after 4 mo AF (2 mo post-AF), and (4) 4 months’ SR after 4 mo AF (4 mo post-AF). Atria were characterized electrophysiologically, (ultra)structure was studied by light and electron microscopy, and structural and gap-junctional protein expression was studied by immunohistochemistry or Western blotting. The atrial effective refractory period had completely returned to normal values 2 mo post-AF. Induced AF episodes still lasted for minutes at 2 and 4 mo post-AF, compared with seconds in the SR group. Structural abnormalities were still present at 2 and 4 mo post-AF, although to a lesser extent. The increased atrial myocyte diameter was back to normal at 4 mo post-AF. The number of myocytes with severe myolysis had almost normalized 4 mo post-AF, whereas myocytes with mild myolysis remained significantly increased. Extracellular matrix area fraction after 4 mo AF was similar to SR. However, the extracellular matrix fraction per myocyte had increased after 4 mo AF and remained higher post-AF. Changes in expression of structural proteins were partially restored post-AF. The reduction of connexin 40 that was observed during AF was completely reversed at 4 mo post-AF. Conclusions— Recovery from structural remodeling after 4 mo AF is a slow process and is still incomplete 4 mo post-AF. Several months post-AF, the duration of AF episodes is still prolonged (minutes).


Ovid Technologies (Wolters Kluwer Health)


Physiology (medical),Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine







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