Implementation of Home-based Cardiac Rehabilitation Program in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: A Literature Review


Nazir Arnengsih,Anggraini Gabriela


Introduction: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the major cause of disability and death worldwide.  The cardiac rehabilitation (CR) program is the management strategy for CAD patients with exercise as the main component to increase functional capacity. This program has been proven beneficial in reducing mortality and morbidity due to CAD. It also reduced the healthcare burden and improved the quality of life. Although the benefits of CR are widely proven, participation and adherence of CAD patients to this program are low. The home-based cardiac rehabilitation (HBCR) program is the strategy developed to increase the coverage of CR services. This program is equally effective as center-based cardiac rehabilitation (CBCR) and is considered safe. This review aimed to find out more about the HBCR program with a focus on its implementation in CAD patients. Methods: Original articles and systematic or narrative reviews were searched using PubMed, Google Scholar, and Research Gate databases. Further exploration of literature citations was also done to meet the inclusion criteria needed to explain the topic. Results: Compared to CBCR, the HBCR program provide comparable benefits, both in medical and functional outcomes. The HBCR program is proven to be feasible and safe with better adherence. The components of the HBCR program are generally the same as the CBCR program and direct supervision given in the CBCR program can be replaced by remote supervision through communication devices or home visits. Conclusion: The HBCR program can be used as an alternative to CBCR in managing patients with CAD.


Indonesian Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Association


Microbiology (medical),Immunology,Immunology and Allergy

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