Kreiker Jeronimo,Gomez Melina,Peisino Lucas,Ochoa Nelio,Raggiotti Belen
It is possible to revalue the plastic fraction from WEEE using it as a recycled aggregate (RA) in cement mortars. However, this feasibility depends on elaborating a granular material via a core-shell strategy to stabilize the potential contaminants. The core is a plastic particle, and the shell is a cement, fillers, and activated carbon mixture. Due to the hydrophilic characteristics of the shell and the presence of interstitial sites generated by the use of the RA, it is necessary to study the wetting properties of these mortars. This article presents the results of capillary suction and contact angle studies of mortars made with RA having different shell compositions. The capillary suction of the latter is higher than in traditional mortars, which limits their use for structures exposed to water and environmental agents but opens the possibility of new uses in permeable concrete or for the manufacture of building components.