A Magical Realist Novel in European Turkish Literature: Hayat Bir Kervansaray


YÜCEL Halil İbrahim1




Magical realism has come to the fore as a popular movement in world literature since the second half of the 20th century. The concept brings together the rational world and the traditional in modern/postmodern text in the context of literature. In general, the subject of focus in such texts is the situation and problems of the period/society. Some supernatural elements, fed by the culture and beliefs of the society, are added to the texts that are fictionalized with a realistic narrative, but this is done in a way that neither the characters nor the reader questions the situation. Emine Sevgi Özdamar is a writer who immigrated to Germany and lives here and writes her works in German. However, the issues he deals with are deeper than labor issues. Özdamar, who includes both cultures in his works, shapes his art style according to Turkish culture by acting mainly on the problems and life of Turkey and Turkish people. Although the novel Hayat Bir Kervansaray (1992) was written in German, it was constructed in accordance with the Turkish language structure and cultural expressions. In the novel, the social, economic and political situation of Turkey in the 1950s and early 60s is conveyed. While the developments in the Democratic Party era, pro-American policies, corruption in people and the life of the people made us perceive it as a realistic novel, Özdamar added some supernatural elements to this narrative. These elements have been positioned in accordance with Turkish belief and culture, not to spoil the realistic transmission of the novel. In this study, real and supernatural elements in Hayat Bir Kervansaray will be examined and it will be questioned whether the work can be evaluated within the scope of magical realism.


Korkut Ata Turkiyat Arastirmalari Dergisi

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