The article is devoted to the analysis of the application of the functional zoning method in the study of the territory of agglomeration on the example of the Kazan agglomeration of the Republic of Tatarstan. The construction of a diagram of functional zones, its generalization and analysis were based on the use of modern geoinformation methods. A number of open access cartographic services, such as the Public Cadastral Map, etc., served as an information source about the zones. ArcGis 10.6 software was used in the work. The aim of the study was to build multifunctional areas based on the performed functional zoning. Based on the identified multifunctional areas, as well as on the density of distribution of functional zones, the functional framework of the urban agglomeration can be identified, which reflects the modern functional load of the agglomeration. Thus, functional zoning contributes to the implementation of local management activities when planning the development of an agglomeration, relying on knowledge about the functional features of adjacent territories.
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4 articles.