
Makovetska Yuliia1ORCID,Shchulipenko Vira1ORCID


1. Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»


In recent years, the use of a synergistic approach in the environmental safety is considered as one of the key tasks both for the reservation of the environment and the promotion of socio-economic progress. Domestic and foreign scientific schools are actively researching both the theoretical aspects of the synergistic concept and their practical application to the management of socio-economic systems. At the same time, insufficient attention is paid to the issue of applying a synergistic approach in waste management. The current state of waste management in Ukraine has been analyzed and the main reasons restraining the development of this sector have been identified (weakness of the institutional base, weakness of the control over the implementation of legislation, insufficient mechanism of financial support of waste management, etc. This allows us to conclude that there is a need to rethink approaches to waste management from the standpoint of synergies. The lack of ecologically sound waste management creates a threat to the ecological safety and sustainable development of Ukraine. With the beginning of the war, the situation has significantly worsened. The purpose of the study is to develop a system of scenario-synergistic waste management dominants, which will allow identifying the key points of efforts in waste management in order to identify new opportunities in the context of the development of environmental safety. The types of interaction between the waste sector and the environment were considered, and waste management options with the least impact on the environment were determined. The system of the dominants as the basic key elements of a complex synergistic waste management system has been created. The system of the dominants is grouped into three key blocks: administrative-organizational, legal, and financial-economic. The practical value of the obtained results is to create a foundation for determining indicators that can form the basis for modeling various scenarios with the determination of the corresponding synergistic effect at the national, sectoral, regional and local levels. The application of such models in the theory and practice of waste management will increase the efficiency of decision-making in this sector


Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine


Psychiatry and Mental health

Reference9 articles.

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