
Bystryakov Igor1ORCID,Klynovyi Dmytro1ORCID


1. Public Institution «Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine»


The aim of the article is to outline theoretical and methodological approaches to harmonizing the interests of stakeholders in the system of sustainable finance on a platform approach to the organization of stakeholder interaction as partners in the process of ensuring sustainable management. It is established that the organization of sustainable management concerns the formation of financial relations in the interests of the maximum number of stakeholders, which will contribute to the homeostatic development of the economic system. The place and role of the financial component in harmonizing the interests of stakeholders are determined. Stakeholders in the financial relations of sustainable management are considered as a system set of groups and individuals from the internal and external environment of economic entities that provide homeostasis of the economic system through optimal distribution and use of financial resources in the process of interaction. A matrix of differentiation of stakeholders is constructed according to the importance of participation in the management process and the degree of their interest in decision-making. Passive and active hosts and users have been identified, among whom it is necessary to establish interaction to transfer as many participants as possible to the categories of active hosts and users and apply platform technological innovations for this purpose. It is determined that the stakeholders-hosts should act as agents of the territorial business ecosystem, forming the trend of sustainable management through collaborative interaction with each other. It was found that in the future it is necessary to create a full-fledged system of sustainable finance, in which in addition to the existing components of responsible investment and banking, sustainable insurance and stock markets, it is necessary to develop a sustainable public sector financial system, including sustainable fiscal and budgetary pension system and sovereign financing of sustainable development. The formation of the logistic cycle of sustainable economic reproduction due to the action of regulatory, stabilization, inclusive and other mechanisms of the system of sustainable finance is shown.


Institute of Environmental Economics and Sustainable Development of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

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