Preoperatif tam kan sayımı belirteçleri ve De-Ritis oranının testis tümörünün tanısındaki prediktif yeri


HABERAL Hakan Bahadır Haberal1,SARIKAYA Kubilay1,SADİOĞLU Fahri Erkan1,İBİŞ Muhammed Arif1,ŞENOCAK Çağrı1,BOZKURT Ömer Faruk1


1. Department of Urology, Ankara Kecioren Training and Research Hospital, Ministry of Health - University of Health Sciences, Ankara, Turkiye


Aim: To determine the value of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelet-lymphocyte ratio (PLR), lymphocyte-monocyte ratio (LMR), systemic immune-inflammation (SII) index and De-Ritis ratio, which are among preoperative whole blood and biochemical parameters, in the diagnosis of testicular tumor. Materials and Methods: The data of patients who underwent inguinal orchiectomy for testicular tumor in our clinic between October 2010 and December 2019 and patients who underwent varicocelectomy, as a control group, were retrospectively analyzed. Patients with missing data, under 18 years of age or with additional morbidity were excluded from the present study. Prediction values for NLR, PLR, LMR, SII index and De-Ritis ratio were determined and the value of these parameters in the diagnosis of testicular tumor was examined. Results: Thirty-four (14.1%) patients underwent inguinal orchiectomy while 207 (85.9%) patients underwent varicocelectomy in the present study. The median age of the patients during surgery was 27 (23-32) years. The number of patients with seminoma, mixt germ cell tumor, yolk sac tumor and embryonal carcinoma was 18 (52.9%), 12 (35.3%), 3 (8.8%) and 1 (2.9%), respectively. It was determined that 61.8% of the patients with testicular tumors were in the T2 stage and 35.3% had metastasis. The cut-off values for NLR, PLR, LMR and SII index were determined as 1.76, 133.43, 7.81 and 571.63, respectively. There was no statistically significant cut-off value for De-Ritis ratio (p = 0.183). The only significant factor for predicting testicular tumor was SII index in multivariate analysis (p


Ege Journal of Medicine


General Medicine

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