This article discusses the competence of human resources in the era of globalization. It isaimed to analyze competencies that human resources must have in facing the era ofglobalization. The method used in this research was literature study. Literature studies areused to find theoretical references that are relevant to cases or problems in a study. Theresults of this study indicate that competences needed by human resources in the era ofglobalization are (1) Critical thinking, (2) Ability to solve problems, (3) Communication andcollaboration, (4) Creativity and innovation, (5) Information literacy, communication, andtechnology (ICT), (6) social and cross-cultural skills, (7) Ability to think of entrepreneurship,(8) Respect for diversity, (9) Teamwork and interconnectedness, (10) Civic and digitalcitizenship, and (11) religious competence. The whole competencies can be classsified into 5core competencies, which are: (1) Communication competence both oral and written, (2)knowledge competence, (3) informational technology competence, (4) inter-culturalcompetence and (5) religious competence.Keyword: Competence and globalization