Write $\mathbb A$ for the 2-primary Steenrod algebra, which is the algebra of stable natural endomorphisms of the mod 2 cohomology functor on topological spaces. Working at the prime 2, computing the cohomology of $\mathbb A$ is an important problem of Algebraic topology, because it is the initial page of the Adams spectral sequence converging to stable homotopy groups of the spheres. A relatively efficient tool to describe this cohomology is the Singer algebraic transfer of rank $n$ in \cite{Singer}, which passes from a certain subquotient of a divided power algebra to the cohomology of $\mathbb A.$ Singer predicted that this transfer is a monomorphism, but this remains open for $n\geq 4.$ This short note is to verify the conjecture in the ranks 4 and 5 and some generic degrees.