Without substantial automation, individuals cannot manage the complexity ofoperations and the scale of information to be utilized to secure cyberspace. Nonetheless,technology and software with traditional fixed implementations are difficult to build (hardwireddecision-making logic) in order to successfully safeguard against security threats. This conditioncan be dealt with using machine simplicity and learning methods in AI. This paper provides aconcise overview of AI implementations of various cybersecurity using artificial technologies andevaluates the prospects for expanding the cybersecurity capabilities by enhancing the defensemechanism. We may infer that valuable applications already exist after the review of currentartificial intelligence software on cybersecurity. First of all, they are used to protect the peripheryand many other cybersecurity areas with neural networks. On the other hand, it was clear thatcertain cybersecurity problems would only be overcome efficiently if artificial intelligenceapproaches are deployed. In strategic decision making, for example, comprehensive informationis important, and logical decision assistance is one of the still unanswered cybersecurity issues.