Previous studies overlook the fact that exclamatives (Excls) are temporally deictic to thehere and now, and they are anchored by the context rather than Tense (i.e., they lack the TP layer),and that they are constructed crosslinguistically as nonclausal projections. This paper provides anoverview of the literature and highlights that the clausal type of Excls is not agreed upon, the definingfeatures (e.g., factivity, scalar implicature, and question/answer relations) are highly controversialand cross-linguistically invalid, and previous analyses seem inconsistent, complicated, andinadequate to account for the idiosyncrasies of Excls. Unlike previous studies, the paper claims thatExcls as asymmetrical small clauses selected by Excl head. This analysis accounts for the peculiaritiesand intricacies of the three types of Arabic Excls (i.e., Wh-Excls, vocative Excls, and verbal Excls)such as (i) their inflexible word order, (ii) case alternation on the referent, (iii) the presence of spuriousprepositions, and (vi) the obligatory presence of some particles and affixes although not semanticallyrequired. Since the given peculiarities are not specific to Arabic and are found in other languages andsupported by cross-linguistic data, the paper claims that the nonsentential approach is empiricallymore defensible and conceptually simpler to account for Excls crosslinguistically.