The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of service quality and customer satisfaction partially and simultaneously on the customer loyalty of the Padang city PDAM. The research method used is descriptive quantitative. The sampling technique used is non-probability sampling method with accidental sampling so that from the population a sample of 100 respondents was taken, the data collection method used was observation, questionnaire and literature rieview. Data analysis techniques used are classical assumptions, multiple linear regression, t test, F test and detemination coefficient. Based on multiple regression analysis, service quality and customer satisfaction variables on customer loyalty get Y = 1,493 + 0,408X1 + 0,059 X2 + 0,481X3- 0,038 X4 + 0,192 X5 + 0,114 X6 + e. From the t test, it was found that tangible had a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty of PDAM Kota Padang. Variable reliability does not affect the customer loyalty of PDAM Kota Padang. The variable responsiveness has a positive and significant effect on the customer loyalty of PDAM Kota Padang. The assurance variable does not affect the customer loyalty of Padang City PDAM. Variable empathy has a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty of PDAM Kota Padang. Satisfaction variables have a positive and significant effect on customer loyalty of PDAM Kota Padang. From the results of the F test, it is proven that the variables of service quality and customer satisfaction simultaneously have a significant and positive effect on customer loyalty PDAM Padang city, while the results of the determination coefficient obtained the ability of independent variables explain the dependent variable of 28.7% the remaining 71.3% is explained by other variables which is not used in this study, it is expected that Padang City PDAM can provide the best quality service to customers so that the customer is satisfied with the services proviuded so as to increase customer loyalty and for further researchers the authors suggest, in order to increase the number of respondents to be used, as well as carried out with a longer time span, so that the research done is better than tthe results of this study.