Human cognitive processes need to deal with contradictory situational demands to avoid over-load. On the one hand, social interactions imply the demand for cooperation, which requires processing social signals, while the demand for selective attention requires suppression of social signals in certain contexts. Here, we imposed these two conflicting demands during an object-sorting task with a humanoid robot that displayed irrelevant social signals (demand on selective attention). We manipulated the demand on cooperation by instructing participants that they were completing the task together with the robot as a team. A different group completed it with the robot as a passive actor (no demand on cooperation). Neural activity collected during the task showed that the brain reacted to the conflict elicited by misleading social signals as indexed by theta oscillations indicating cognitive conflict processing. Subsequently, alpha oscillations were sensitive to conflicting social signals and the social framing provided depending on whether participants per-formed the task as an individual or as a team. These findings suggest that (i) our brain has distinct mechanisms dealing with the complexity of social interaction which often imposes conflicting demands on our cognitive system and that (ii) these mechanisms are activated depending on the mere framing of the interaction. Thus, how our brain processes environmental stimuli depends on the beliefs it holds regarding the social context. Together, these results enrich our understanding of how humans process robot social signals in cooperative settings and pave the way for future work to build better social robots.