The QED-Physical (QED-P) theory described in four previous papers [J. H. Wilson, Phys. Essays 28, 1 (2015); 29, 402 (2016); 31, 59 (2018); 34, 17 (2021)] is combined with QED into a single theory in this paper, since both are based on the same Dirac
Equation four current c(α,I). QED couples this four-vector with an external electromagnetic (EM) field and uses covariant perturbation theory to produce results that are very accurate computationally [M. L. Eides et al., Phys. Rep. 342, 63 (2001)], except
for the electron self-energy, which is infinite. The reason for QED’s accuracy is its Dirac equation velocity operator, cα, with highly unusual properties compared to classical velocity vectors. QED could not produce highly accurate answers without the 4 × 4
complex matrix cα as the electron “velocity operator.” QED-P starts with the same Dirac Equation four current used so successfully in QED, and the discrete internal spatial and time coordinate operators (ISaTCOs) are derived in QED-P to give the electron internal
structure a very specific, but highly, nonclassical geometric description with no ad hoc assumptions. The QED/QED-physical (QED-P) unification theorem is stated and proved in Sec. VII. However, one should ask what new physical measurements are predicted by QED-P
that are not determined by the very accurate QED? The answer is none yet, due to the very rapid fluctuation of the ISaTCOs with a period of ∼6.4 × 10−22 s. This induced electron field fluctuation is in addition to any vacuum fluctuation that
exists without the electron field present. This paper presents a highly speculative, but testable, experiment, in which the ISaTCO rapid fluctuations may be confirmed indirectly as the physical basis of field quantum entanglement (QE). The electron’s ISaTCO produce a digital internal
clock that’s locked out of phase with its entangled positron, and they communicate spin states at the phase speed of 2c2/vCoM. The communication of spin state information is instantaneous for vCoM = 0 but “slows down” to 4c at
vCoM = 0.5c, still very fast.
Physics Essays Publication
General Physics and Astronomy
Cited by
2 articles.