The space‐time is empirically perceived as a pre-existing property of the universe. However, a special kind of perception that takes place in near-death-experiences (NDEs) is challenging this idea. Here, I will illustrate how understanding of this particular state of consciousness
(named the bodiless consciousness) helps us re-think the space‐time structure of the physical world. I first speculate that the bodiless consciousness perceives the physical world as nonlocal 4D. I then propose that the space‐time is a “derived” feature subsequent
to the emergence of perception of the bodiless consciousness, rather than a pre-existing and unchangeable property. Next, I explain that the space structure only takes place in the classical (or macroscopic) world rather than in the quantum (or microscopic) world, due to its intrinsic imperceptibility
to the bodiless consciousness. Without a presupposed structure of the space, the strangeness of the quantum world is expected. Then, I bring up the old measurement problem. I will argue that it is the bodiless consciousness that may entangle with the superposed state of an observed system
and trigger the collapse. Finally, I will briefly discuss the potential relationship between electromagnetic wave and consciousness.
Physics Essays Publication
General Physics and Astronomy