Einstein’s special relativity applies a not recognized physical mistake leading to an absurd interpretation of the Michelson‐Morley experiment and absurd physics


Ziefle Reiner Georg


Special relativity (SR) needs different speeds of light in the horizontal arm of the Michelson‐Morley interferometer to “explain” a constant speed of light in all inertial frames. To obtain equal speeds from the two different speeds of light (cv) = [(1 ‐ v/c) × c] and (c + v) = [(1 + v/c) × c], Einstein mathematically accelerates the speed of the photons in the direction of Earth’s motion around the Sun from [(1 ‐ v/c) × c] to [(1 − v2/c2) × c], and in the opposite direction, Einstein decelerates the speed of the photons from [(1 + v/c) × c] to [(1 − v2/c2) × c]. Besides the fact that light cannot be accelerated or decelerated, a change of the speed of the photons in the inertial frame of the Sun would also change the speed c of photons on Earth, because in both inertial frames, the photons always move in horizontal light path of the Michelson‐Morley interferometer in the same direction. SR contradicts its own postulates: 1. SR contradicts the constant speed c of light on Earth; 2. SR contradicts the constant speed c of light in all inertial frames, respectively, in all frames of reference; 3. SR contradicts the principle of relativity. Einstein transformed photons into particles that are allowed to violate logical and physical laws but are not allowed to interact with gravity, so that they have to follow curved world lines. However, giving up logical and physical laws because of precise predictions of a physical theory means arguing pseudo-scientifically. Instead, a simple quantum physical explanation of gravity is presented.


Physics Essays Publication


General Physics and Astronomy








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