Unified quantum gravity field equation describing the universe from the smallest to the cosmological scales


Haug Espen Gaarder


This paper introduces a new quantum gravity field equation that is derived from collision space‐time. It shows how changes in energy (collision-space) are linked to changes in matter (collision-time). This field equation can be written in several different forms. Gravity, at the deepest level, is linked to change in gravitational energy over the Planck time. In our view, this is linked to the collision between two indivisible particles, and this collision has a duration of the Planck time, not by assumption, but from calibration. We also show how an equation of the universe, which was recently derived from relativistic Newtonian theory, can also be derived directly from the unified quantum gravity field equation presented in this paper. This equation gives a new explanation for a cosmological redshift that does not seem to be related to expanding space or the big bang hypothesis. Also, the approximately 13.9 × 109 years of the Hubble time do not seem to be at all related to the age of the universe but to the aggregated collision time of the particles making up the mass in the observable universe.


Physics Essays Publication


General Physics and Astronomy

Reference39 articles.

1. Collision-space-time: Unified quantum gravity

2. Rethinking the foundation of physics and its relation to quantum gravity and quantum probabilities: Unification of gravity and quantum mechanics,2020








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