It is obvious today that a new era of communication and interaction has been started through social media networks. For this reason, corporate social media networks and their contents are one of the correct and effective promotional tools that can be used in destination promotion. Based on this situation, the main purpose of the study is to examine the use of social media networks by central and local governments in Trabzon destination, specifically for destination promotion. Within the framework of this purpose, the corporate Facebook, Instagram and Twitter social media accounts of Trabzon destination center and local governments are analyzed with the quantitative content analysis method. As a result of the study, it is determined that Trabzon destination center and local governments do not use social media networks effectively for destination promotion. Additionally, it is concluded that the majority of the promotion-oriented posts on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter accounts are made by the Trabzon Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism.
Suleyman Demirel University Visionary Journal
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