Научное наследие профессора Ю.В. Соколкина


Ташкинов A.A.,Чекалкин A.A.


Yu.V. Sokolkin (1938–2020) is an outstanding Russian scientist, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD), Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. The article provides an overview of the main results of his scientific activities in the field of mechanics of composite materials and structures, physical and mathematical modeling, aerospace engineering and high technologies. The titles of the sections of this article, with the exception of the first, correspond to the titles of scientific monographs with his participation, presented in chronological order; the first section of the review is devoted to the content of his dissertation work carried out by him at the Institute of Continuum Mechanics, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Each section of the article, in addition to a link to the bibliographic description of the scientific monograph, also contains links to articles withYu.V. Sokolkin’s participation, where the scientific results presented in the corresponding monograph were partially published or further developed. Since Professor Sokolkin is the author of more than one hundred and fifty scientific papers, this review is not complete and comprehensive. The purpose was to reflect precisely those areas that have received undoubted recognition from the scientific community, have found practical application and are being successfully used at present, have become the basis for dissertations completed by his followers.


Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics

Reference24 articles.

1. Журавлев С.Ф. Такие близкие звёзды. – Пермь: Книжная площадь, 2003. – 152 с.

2. Соколкин Ю.В. Стохастические краевые задачи механики композитов / дис. докт. физ.-мат. наук: 01.02.04. – Пермь, ИМСС УНЦ АН СССР, 1981. – 434 с.

3. Волков С.Д., Соколкин Ю.В. О нелинейной ползучести пластиков при случайных нагрузках // Механика полимеров. – 1968. – № 2. – С. 237–245. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00855616.

4. Соколкин Ю.В. Ползучесть нелинейной вязкоупругой балки, изгибаемой случайным моментом // Механика полимеров. – 1968. – № 4. – С.132–140. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00855775.

5. Елтышев В.А., Поздеев А.А., Соколкин Ю.В. Напряженно-деформированное состояние цилиндра с криволинейными торцами, скрепленного с ортотропной стеклопластиковой оболочкой // Механика полимеров. – 1976. – № 2. – (Деп. в ВИНИТИ № 203-76 от 03.02.76). – С. 8.








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