1. Carl Bro as, Havne og Vandbygning. Granskoven 8, 2600 Glostrup, Denmark
This paper compares the costs of using concrete foundations against steel monopile foundations for offshore wind turbines, and argues that concrete foundations will be cheaper. Most offshore windfarms have steel monopile foundations, but in Denmark concrete gravity foundations have been used with success. Two projects have tendered for steel monopiles and for concrete foundations and have implemented the concrete foundations that proved cheaper. No project has tendered for both foundation concepts and chosen steel monopiles. Nysted Offshore Windfarm with concrete foundations has the cheapest foundations of any offshore windfarm so far. A conceptual foundation study carried out for the London Array West Offshore Windfarm indicates that the same method and very low-cost foundations as for Nysted can be used. Optimised design of light-weight concrete constructions is the key to low-cost installation. Cheap manufacture can be carried out near the site or at even lower cost in Eastern Europa from where it can be shipped at little extra cost. The main construction of steel monopile foundations will become twice as costly as of concrete gravity foundations, and though installation is more costly for the gravity foundations it seems most likely that tendering between steel monopile and concrete gravity for London Array West will prove concrete considerably cheaper. It is argued that these considerations are to a wide extent generally valid, and also for very large turbines in deeper water. Concrete foundations will in 2006 be installed at Lillegrunden Offshore Windfarm in Sweden, and at Belgian Thornton Bank in 2006–7. So indications are strong that concrete is the future for offshore foundations.
Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
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13 articles.