1. Karagozian & Case, 2550 North Hollywood Way, Suite 500, Burbank, CA 91505 U.S.A.
Performing analyses of structural components subjected to blast effects with physics-based finite element models, such as those that can be generated with LS-DYNA, generally requires a lot more than just a “good-looking” mesh. This paper describes some of the specific details that must be addressed successfully to develop effective analytic models, particularly for the blast effects analysis of conventionally designed column and wall components of the kind commonly found in buildings. Moreover, modeling details and the engineering perspective needed in such calculations are rarely described in print making it all too likely that the same difficulties and errors cited herein, which sometimes are very hard to spot, will continue to plaque other calculated results related to blast effects behaviors.
Mechanics of Materials,Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality,Building and Construction
Cited by
18 articles.