1. University of Canterbury, Private Bag 4800, Christchurch 8140, New Zealand
The probability density functions of each of the terms described in the standards, EN12354-1 and ISO10848-1 are identified in this study using experimental data and data from Monte Carlo simulations. Identification of the probability density functions is essential if the uncertainty of the prediction methods described in the standards is to be determined. It is concluded that the uncertainty of most of the logarithmic terms of the standards may be calculated using the guidelines of the ISO Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement. However, Monte Carlo simulations will need to be used to calculate the uncertainty of the apparent transmission loss, the apparent sound reduction index and all of the linear terms of the standards. As a result of this study, alternative calculations for the direction averaged velocity level difference and the flanking transmission loss are proposed for lightweight building elements.
Mechanical Engineering,Acoustics and Ultrasonics,Building and Construction
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4 articles.