Rate of Increasing Concentrations of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Controlled by Natural Temperature Variations


Goldberg Fred1


1. Materialdata AB, SE-181 24 Lidingö, Sweden


Studies of the temperature anomalies during the last 27 years show a close relationship with the varying increase of CO2 in the atmosphere. Volcanic eruptions and La Niñas reduce CO2 values and El Niños increase them. This close relationship strongly indicates that ocean temperatures and the solubility of CO2 in seawater control the amount of CO2 being absorbed or released by the oceans. It is therefore likely that the increased CO2 concentration in the atmosphere is due to a natural global warming and that CO2 produced through fossil fuel combustion by humans can not disrupt this balance. An advanced statistical multiregression analysis confirms this conclusion. Therefore it is likely that there is no anthropogenic climate change on a global scale. The natural exchange of CO2 between ocean, biomass on land and the atmosphere is very large. In only four to five years all the CO2 in the atmosphere has been recycled through the oceans and the biomass system. The annual anthropogenic human production of CO2 is neutralized by nature in as little as 12 days. Recent studies of the solar forcing, changes in cosmic radiation and its role in cloud formations explain the global warming that has taken place since 1910.


SAGE Publications


Energy (miscellaneous),Energy Engineering and Power Technology,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment,Environmental Engineering

Reference12 articles.

1. On global forces of nature driving the Earth’s climate. Are humans involved?

2. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 37th edition 1955–1956, Chemical Rubber Publishing Co. p. 496–497.

3. Do glaciers tell a true atmospheric CO2 story?

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