When are the Taken Decisions Fatal?: The Impact of Employees' Decision-Making Strategies on Crisis Management


ÖRNEK Ali Şahin1,AVCI Gizem1,HASÇELİK Gizem1




The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between the decision-making strategies of the employees of the organization and the crisis management of the organization. In this context, rational decision-making, impulsive decision-making, dependent decision making and the mere indecision are considered as the sub-dimensions of decision-making strategies as independent variables, while the sub-dimensions of crisis management, which are pre-crisis, during the crisis, and post-crisis, are handled as the dependent variable. The study was applied to the white-collar employees of the X organization, which makes production in the food sector in Çanakkale. According to the findings obtained in our study, there is a significant and positive relationship between rational decision making strategy and crisis management before the crisis. It has been observed that there is a significant and positive relationship between the rational decision-making strategy and the crisis management during the crisis. A significant and negative relationship was found between indecision strategy and pre-crisis crisis management. Likewise, a significant and negative relationship was found between indecision strategy and post-crisis management. In addition, it was observed that there was no significant difference between the variables in the model and the demographic variables of the employees.


Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University


General Medicine

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