
Hryhorets Maksym,Tkachuk Oleksandr1,Pahomov Serhii2,Vasilenko Volodymyr3,Podkopaiev Serhii3


1. Structural Unit of PJSC «Donbasenergo» «Elektroremont»

2. State Enterprise “Myrnogradvugilya”

3. Donetsk National Technical University


Purpose. To study the stability of the security structures of the preparatory mine roadways of steep seams while unloading the coal-rock massif to prevent the collapse of side rocks in the excavation areas of the coal mine and create safe working conditions for miners. Method. In order to achieve the aim of the research, the study of the stability of security structures was carried out at the laboratory of mountain pressure by using experimental samples in the form of whole coal and structures consisted of crushed rock, which were subjected to uniaxial compression. Results. Under the conditions of uniaxial compression of whole coal or constructions consisted of crushed rock, with the ratio of length to width a/b= (1-2) and an increase in the cross-sectional area S (m2) of the experimental samples, a relative change of their volume δV was observed. For whole coal, the steady state is ensured by the relative volume change δV ≤ 0,1. Beyond the set value of δV, the whole coals lose their stability and collapse, which results in the collapse of the side rocks. For the crushed rock structures, with an increase in the cross-sectional area of the compressible specimens, the relative volume change decreases from δV = 0,2 to δV = 0,35. At the same time, the crushed rock is compacted in the whole volume of the used material, the bearing capacity of protective structures is increased, which enables limiting the movement of lateral rocks and ensures their integrity. Scientific novelty Within the limits of the deformation resource of protective structures consisting of crushed rock of different granulometric composition, with their uniaxial compression, a type of functional dependence was established, which enables us to estimate the relative change in the volume of flexible supports from stiffness, which is necessary for assessing their bearing capacity. Practical significance. In order to create safe working conditions for miners in the excavation areas of a deep coal mine and prevent the collapse of side rocks in the coal massif, it is advisable to use flexible protective structures for the protection of preparatory coal mine roadways, when the ratio of their linear dimensions corresponds to the ratio of length to width of a/b>(1-2).


Donetsk National Technical University


Materials Chemistry

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