Znaczenie i rola państw Afryki dla tureckiej polityki zagranicznej w okresie rządów Partii Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju (AKP)


Bieniek Karol


THE IMPORTANCE AND ROLE OF AFRICAN COUNTRIES FOR TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY UNDER THE RULE OF THE JUSTICE AND DEVELOPMENT PARTY (AKP) The main aim of the article is to trace an evolution of Turkey’s foreign policy towards African countries. Assuming that during the rule of the Justice and Development Party a qualitative change took place in Turkey’s approach to this area, the paper will analyse its particular importance in the process of shaping the new identity of Ankara’s foreign policy after 2002. In addition, the ambition of the submitted paper is also to indicate the reasons for the change that took place in the way of building relations with some countries of the region, so characteristic for overall Turkey’s international activities during the rule of R.T. Erdoğan and his political party.


Ksiegarnia Akademicka Sp. z.o.o.

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