

Rossi Paola M.


The paper aims at illustrating the possible interconnection between Ṛgvedic poetry and the bovine environment in relation to which the proto-Vedic clan-based society ensured its own subsistence. Given that the protection of livestock was one of the functions attributed to chieftainship, especially during the phase of clan mobility (yóga), and that the figure of the proto-Vedic kaví, the so-called ‗sage poet,‘ is correlated to the milieu of the lordship, it is most likely that the bovine imagery and rhetorical devices, particularly connected to sonority, stemmed precisely from that environment where the human and animal dimensions were symbiotically associated to ensure clan‘s prosperity. Therefore, Ṛgvedic poetical expressions are not only the artful means to mark the liturgical language, but also a direct output of the expertise of the warrior-cowherd, identified especially with the mythological figure of Indra, who could, by way of sonorous enchanting of both, the livestock and the enemies, yoke the former and keep away the latter, guaranteeing subsistence to his own clan.


Ksiegarnia Akademicka Sp. z.o.o.


Literature and Literary Theory,Linguistics and Language,Philosophy,Religious studies,Visual Arts and Performing Arts,History,Language and Linguistics

Reference73 articles.

1. Primary sources

2. AVP The Paippalāda-Saṃhitā of the Atharvaveda, 4 Vols., ed. by D. Bhattacharya, Calcutta: The Asiatic Society 1997–2016. asaM-hitA.htm (accessed on 30.03.2023).

3. AVŚ Atharva Veda Sanhita, ed. by R. von Roth, W. D. Whitney, Berlin 1856. Atharvavedasaṃhitā der Śaunakaśākhā. Eine neue Edition unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Parallelstellen der Paippalādasaṃhitā, by JeongSoo Kim, Würzburg 2021. (accessed on 30.03.2023).

4. ṚV Rig Veda: A Metrically Restored Text, ed. by B. van Nooten and G. Holland. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press 1994.

5. Secondary sources







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