Dziecko-uchodźca w polskiej edukacji


Łosiak-Pilch Julia,Weżgowiec Barbara


STRESS OF WAR AND MIGRATION – CONSEQUENCES FOR CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Stress caused by war and forced migration is an extremely traumatic experience for everyone, both adults and children, consequently causing impairment in general functioning and negative changes in mental health. Children and youth are especially vulnerable to negative effects of traumatic stress and data collected by UN indicate, that, in different parts of the world, millions of children experienced traumatic events, witnessing death of a close relative or being exposed to physical violence. Post traumatic stress disorder is the most frequently observed mental disorder in such circumstances as well as depression and anxiety disorders. Moreover some traumatized children exhibit impairment in school performance and difficulties in social functioning. This article presents a review of literature on traumatic war experiences of children and youth from different countries as well as on consequences of trauma – post traumatic stress disorder, other disorders and impairment in functioning.


Ksiegarnia Akademicka Sp. z.o.o.


Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Building and Construction

Reference25 articles.

1. Altavil, M., Nel, P., Asker, A. et al. 2008. The Effects of Chronic War Trauma among Palestinian

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4. Alwood, M., Bell-Dolan, B., Husain, S. 2002. Children’s Trauma and Adjustment Reactions to

5. Violent and Nonviolent War Experiences, Journal of American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 38(2), 153–161,







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