Malamente? Niełatwe relacje lokalności i kultury popularnej w twórczości Rosalíi


Romanowska Jadwiga


MALAMENTE? UNEASY RELATIONS BETWEEN LOCALITY AND POPULAR CULTURE IN ROSALÍA’S WORK The aim of the text is to ask questions about how contemporary popular culture enters into transcultural interaction with artistic manifestations of local Spanish identities, using the example of selected works by the Catalan artist Rosalía Vila Tobella, known as Rosalía. The artist mediates between several cultural spaces: Spanish, Andalusian, Roma and Latin American, but also subcultural ones – related to urban culture and the Spanish working class. Importantly, her artistic message should be analyzed both musically and visually. The text examines the relationship between local flamenco culture and popculture in the artist’s work, using the example of the song Malamente from the album El mal querer. There will also mentioned other artist’s audiovisual productions created between 2018 and 2023, which consistently build Rosalía’s musical and visual imaginary on the border of local form of expression – flamenco and global pop culture.


Ksiegarnia Akademicka Sp. z.o.o.

Reference47 articles.

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