Motywacja i sposoby nominacji wybranych oronimów rejonu Czerwonych Wierchów w polskiej części Tatr Zachodnich


Jurczyńska-Kłosok Agnieszka


MOTIVATION AND METHODS OF SELECTING NAMES FOR CHOSEN ORONYMS OF THE CZERWONE WIERCHY AREA IN THE POLISH PART OF THE WESTERN TATRA MOUNTAINS The purpose of this article is to show various ways of expressing the reality which is characteristic of people who have given names of places in the mentioned area. In this article, the attempt was made to reach to the motivational meaning of 207 oronyms from the Czerwone Wierchy area which is located in the Polish part of the Western Tatra Mountains. These names origin from two detailed mountain guides of the Czerwone Wierchy area and they have been assigned to two different groups. The first group is made up of names that have been formed during the onimization process, and the second – of names that have been formed during the transonimization process. Within these groups further subcategories have been distinguished. In this article multipart names were highlighted. They are characterized by complex motivation. The study showed that a large part of the collected names is a group of oronyms, which have been formed during the onimization process with a part of them that origin from other toponyms (77 oronyms). They are localized names and they show a practical approach to the reality. It can be concluded that this feature caused a high popularity of this naming model. In this article, attention has been paid to the necessity of conducting the socio-onomastics survey.


Ksiegarnia Akademicka Sp. z.o.o.


Linguistics and Language,Communication,Language and Linguistics

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