1. Boyd L.A., Kresy: Fotografie z 1934 roku, introd. S. Gibson Mikoś, Kraków 1991.
2. Boyd L.A., Polish Countrysides, Photographs and Narrative, with a contribution by S. Gorzuchowski, New York 1937.
3. Boyd L.A., The Coast of Northeast Greenland with Hydrographic Studies in the Greenland Sea: The Louise A. Boyd Arctic Expedition of 1937 and 1938, with contributions by R. Foster Flint, J.M. LeRoy, H.J. Oosting, F.A. Buhler, F.E. Bronner, A.J. Hilferty, New York 1948, American Geographical Society Special Publication, No. 30.
4. Boyd L.A., The Fiord Region of East Greenland, with contributions by J.H. Bretz, O.M. Miller, W.A. Wood, New York 1935, American Geographical Society Special Publication, No. 18.
5. Boyd L.A., “The Marshes of Pinsk,” Geographical Review, Vol. 26, No. 3 (1936), pp. 376-395, https://doi.org/10.2307/209045.