The author of the article attempts to describe the linguistic phenomenon of labelling and stigmatization concerning children. In the introduction, the issue of child discrimination, known as adultism, is addressed. Then, the author discusses the origins and mechanisms of pejorative terms which frequently appear in online discussions related to motherhood and parenthood. In the analytical section, the author presents the most commonly used and negatively charged personal expressions, extracted,e. g. from the Monco PL search engine: bombelek, gówniak, kaszojad, purchlę and purchlak [pejorative terms denoting children]. Possible etymologies and usage examples are provided. Originally unequivocally negative terms for children also permeate colloquial language and gradually become neutralized or serve to distance oneself from parenthood. However, in this context, it’s worth referring to the ethics of language and promoting inclusive communication, which should also extend to talking about children and communicating with them.
Ksiegarnia Akademicka Sp. z.o.o.
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