The author considers the problems of syntactic analysis of language expressions with higher-order and first-order predicates. In the first part it is shown that there are some discrepancies in the treatment of these categories: on the one hand, in semantic syntax, and, on the other hand, in predicate logic and in categorial grammar. In the following chapters, the author analyses the disputed phenomena that can be treated in two ways, depending on whether the verb is considered a first-order or higher-order predicate. At the same time, it is stated that the valence properties of a verb depend on its lexical meaning, and, on the other hand, the definition of meaning should take into account the nature of the syntactic structure. The notion of precedent representations is suggested, i. e. constructions with a clausal actant that indicate the propositional status of the appropriate complements of the predicate.
Ksiegarnia Akademicka Sp. z.o.o.
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