1. Gori State Teaching University
Meaning, Form, Pronunciation and Appropriacy (MFPA) of lexis is a tool based on which it can form vocabulary skills. There is every reason to consider the problem of developing the vocabulary skills based on the MFPA of lexis as unresolved and requiring detailed research, which determined the relevance of this work and the choice of the research topic. The work aims to develop a scientifically grounded and experimentally tested methodology for forming students' vocabulary based on the MFPA of lexis. The hypothesis of the study is the assumption that the formation of students' vocabulary based on the MFPA of lexis will be successful if it is carried out based on the development and implementation of such a methodological system, which takes into account the methodological conditions necessary for the successful formation of students' vocabulary based on the MFPA of lexis (1) formation of students by the time of learning foreign language communicative competence; (2) use in teaching tasks (a) to determine the meaning of words, (b) to study pronunciation, (c) to identify differences between words that are close in meaning, (d) to differentiate words that are similar in spelling; (3) following an explicit learning algorithm with separate stages and steps. To test the validity of the hypothesis, the following research methods were used in work: analysis and generalization of research results; modeling of the pedagogical process of forming the vocabulary skills based on the MFPA of lexis and experimental learning.