Analysis of an anatomy laboratory for microbiological contamination


Seçgin YusufORCID,Toy ŞeymaORCID,Solmaz HasanORCID,Başar ErhanORCID


Aim: In order to prevent any microbiological contamination in laboratories, it is vital to determine both routine microbiological screening and the appropriate protocol. This study was based on this hypothesis and discussed the microbiological contamination and prevention procedures in an anatomy laboratory. Methods: The study was carried out on 34 different spots in an anatomy laboratory. Swab samples taken from these points were examined for contamination and contamination was detected. The samples were taken from various locations, including the head, upper and lower extremities of both male and female cadavers, the door handle, the floor in front of the door, the faucet, the head, body, and foot parts of the dissection table, the dissection tool, the trailer, the inner and outer coating of the cadaver pool, the sink, the floor in front of the window, the stool, the living room wall, the formaldehyde liquid in the cadaver pool, the window handle, the instrument table, the morgue unit, the exterior surfaces of three different organ storage boxes, the inner surface of an organ storage box, the medical waste container, the handle of the organ storage cabinet, a training model, the lower surface of the dissection table, the medical waste storage box for dissection, and the blackboard. Results: Bacillus subtilis was found in 16 out of 34 different spots and mold fungus was found in 2 of them. No contamination was detected in the remaining 16 spots. 69% of the spots were directly related to the cadaver. Conclusion: As a result of our study, the importance of scanning anatomy laboratories in terms of microbiological contamination was highlighted and an appropriate protocol was determined.


Izzet Baysal Training and Research Hospital

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