1. Beth T. Ulrich is senior vice president of professional services at the Gannett Healthcare Group (publishers of Nursing Spectrum and NurseWeek). She is also the editor of Nephrology Nursing Journal.
2. Dana Woods is the director of marketing and strategy integration for the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. She is the staff lead on the association’s Healthy Work Environment Initiative.
3. Karen Hart is a senior vice president in the Health Care Division of Bernard Hodes Group, a recruitment communications company.
4. Ramón Lavandero is director of development and strategic alliances for the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses. He is adjunct associate professor at Indiana University School of Nursing, where he serves on the school’s external board of advisors.
5. John Leggett is executive vice president for marketing, events, consulting, and research at the Gannett Healthcare Group.
6. Diane Taylor is research manager for Bernard Hodes Group.