1. Erika Schlichter is a bedside critical care nurse, UCHealth, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, and a member of the Collaborative for Research on Acute Neurological Injuries (CRANI), University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio.
2. Omar Lopez is a research coordinator with the Division of Neuro-critical Care, Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, and a member of CRANI.
3. Raymond Scott is a medical student, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati Medical Center.
4. Laura Ngwenya is an assistant professor, Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of Neurosurgery, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, and Director, Neurotrauma Center, University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute, Cincinnati, Ohio. She is a cofounder of CRANI.
5. Natalie Kreitzer is an assistant professor, Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, and a member of CRANI.
6. Neha S. Dangayach is an assistant professor, Department of Neurology, Icahn School of Medicine and Mount Sinai Health System, New York, New York.
7. Simona Ferioli is an assistant professor, Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Cincinnati Medical Center, and a member of CRANI.
8. Brandon Foreman is an associate professor, Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Medicine, University and Department of Neurosurgery, University of Cincinnati Medical Center. He is a cofounder of CRANI.