Aboulfath Kamal, ,Mahmoud Emed Mohamed,Saoud K.M.,Mamouni N.,Errarhay S.,Bouchikhi C.,Banani A., , , , , ,
Rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterine cervix is one of the rare histological types of cervical cancer, which occurs mainly in girls and women during genital activity. Given the aggressiveness of the disease, therapeutic strategy is based on the combination of the three treatment modalities (surgery -chemotherapy radiation therapy-).We report a case of cervical rhabdomyosarcoma in a 53 year old woman with no particular pathological history. The first sign reported was postmenopausal metrorrhagia with the presence of a cervical polyp. The bistourning of this polyp was in favour of cervical adenosarcoma. The extension workup showed a cervical mass without metastasis. The patient underwent surgery and underwent a hysterectomy without preservation of adnexae with anatomopathologic results that suggested a cervical rhabdomyosarcoma and a candidate for adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy. Rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterine cervix is a rare tumor that develops most often in young girls. It mainly shows locoregional extension. Treatment is based on surgery including conservative treatment as well as radical treatment associated with perioperative chemotherapy. The role of radiation therapy remains poorly defined.
International Journal Of Advanced Research
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