Using of ventral spinal fusion in dogs during the treatment of the juvenile discospondilitis at level LVII-SI


Ягников Сергей12,Yagnikov Sergey34,Барсегян Лусинэ1,Barsegyan Lusine3,Кулешова Оксана5,Kuleshova Oksana6,Ягникова Яна7,Yagnikova Yana8,Будаев Рустам5,Budaev Rustam6,Грядунова Фаина1,Gryadunova Faina3,Беляков Александр12,Belyakov Aleksandr34


1. Центр ветеринарной хирургии «ВетПрофАльянс»

2. Аграрно-технологический институт Федерального государственного автономного образовательного учреждения высшего образования «Российский университет дружбы народов»

3. Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance»

4. Agrarian Technological Institute of People's Friendship University of Russian

5. Московский Центр ветеринарной хирургии «ВетПрофАльянс»

6. Moscow Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance»

7. Чеховский Центр ветеринарной хирургии «ВетПрофАльянс»

8. Chekhov Center for Veterinary Surgery «VetProfAlliance»


The article presents 4 clinical cases of surgical treatment of juvenile discospondilitis in dogs at the level of LVII-SI. All animals at the first stage were undergoing to long-term antibiotic therapy without positive dynamics, both clinically and with radiographic evaluation. The surgical intervention included the laparotomy with ventral access to the vertebral bodies at level LVII-SI, removal of pathologically modified tissues and stabilization by metal construction combined with bone autoplasty. The improvement of the clinical state of the animals was observed at 3…7th day after the surgery. In the remote period the result is evaluated as excellent or good by all owners.


Publishing House Logos Press

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