Increase of the innate immunity and hemostasis correction in calves using medications with immunomodulating and biostimulating activity


Sanin Aleksandr1,Narovlyanskiy Aleksandr1,Pronin Aleksandr1,Kozhevnikova Tat'yana2


1. The Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

2. Gamaleya Scientific Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiolo


The innate immune system in mammals is closely related to the hemostatic system. In recent years, there has been an accumulation of knowledge proving that these two systems not only interact closely, but are also linked by common molecular and cellular regulatory mechanisms. The study of these mechanisms is important to develop new approaches to the correction of hemostatic disorders, infectious diseases and other pathological conditions in productive animals. Analyzed in this review are results of the use of some modern medications for the correction of hemostatic disorders and increasing nonspecific resistance in calves. The main attention is devoted to gamavit (GM) and phosprenyl (PP), which are widely used in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry. Many studies have shown a positive effect of GM and PP on the innate immune system indices in newborn calves, both in normal state and in various pathological conditions, including infectious diseases, anemia, etc. There was an increase in the phagocytic activity of neutrophils and phagocytic number, an increase in bactericidal and lysozyme activity of blood serum, a decrease in the incidence of non-specific bronchopneumonia in calves, and an increase in live weight gain during the milk growing period. Under the influence of GM and AF, in calves with iron-deficient anemia and/or dyspepsia increase of antioxidant protection was observed as well as normalization of hemostasis, reducing the risk of thrombotic complications to a minimum. The correction of anemia and normalization of the blood formula were also noted. The most effective in correcting hemostasis was GM, which was shown to normalize many impaired platelet functions. Given the fact that platelets serve as an important link in innate immunity, it can be assumed that, at least partially, the immune-stimulating effect of GM may be mediated through these cells.


Publishing House Logos Press

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