Ways of choosing methods for the restoration of ukrainian cities after the russian invasion


Bachynska Liudmyla


The article is devoted to the consideration of the current situation in Ukraine and the problem of choosing directions for the restoration and reconstruction of cities after the end of the Russian invasion. It is noted that as a result of the actions of the troops of the Russian Federation, up to 90% of the buildings of most Ukrainian cities and settlements that fell into the occupation zone were lost. This determines the search for ways of their future reconstruction, for which it is proposed to conduct an analysis of the stages of the historical formation of the territory of cities during the 20th - early 21st centuries. Each stage is characterized from the point of view of the political and economic situation and the main directions of architectural and urban planning activities. The factors that influenced the emergence of new stages in the state during the Soviet era have been clarified. The main role in the power structure of the Communist Party, whose political decisions were clearly determined by the actions of specialists in the architectural, urban planning and construction industry, was noted. It is noted that after the establishment of the country's independence, Ukraine's transition to market conditions, changes in the formation of urban space took place. A comparison of directions and methods of restoration and reconstruction of cities after World War II in the USSR and Europe was made, and conclusions were drawn about the opposite approaches: in the USSR, the party-command approach that ignored the opinion of the people dominated, on the contrary, in the democratic states of Europe the examples of urban restoration showed respect for the person, his location, the variety of architectural means, methods, and methods of reconstruction. Therefore, the choice of directions for the further formation of urban space in Independent Ukraine will depend on its orientation in social and political life.


Scientific Publishing Center InterConf


General Chemical Engineering

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