Ivanov D. V. (2023) Western sociology from an Eastern European perspective (review of the handbook. Titarenko L. G. Modern western sociology. Minsk : RIVSH, 2021. 420 p.)


Ivanov Dmitrii1ORCID


1. North-Western Institute of Management – Branch of RANEPA, St. Petersburg, Russia


The review presents the textbook "Modern western sociology" (Minsk, 2021) by Belarusian sociologist and philosopher L.G.Titarenko. Structure and contents of the handbook are considered from a pint of view of the multiparadigm condition in current sociology and in the context of post-globalization trends. The reviewed work, due to amount of material and to deep analysis, is reaching a level of sophisticated academic textbook. The author analyses main paradigms and theories which define the character of scientific discipline in its modern period covering a century since the 1920s to our days. The book demonstrates very well that Western sociology remains the core of modern sociology as a scientific discipline and that Western sociology is reassessed and modified in local sociological communities being a starting point for the new conceptions of social knowledge, including anti-Western and counter-globalist ones.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)

Reference5 articles.

1. Titarenko L. G. Modern western sociology [own]. Minsk: RIVSH; 2021. 420 p. ISBN 978-985-586-422-7.

2. Connell R. Southern theory. The global dynamics of knowledge in social science. Cambridge: Polity Press; 2007. 271 p. ISBN 978-0-7456-4248-2.

3. Comaroff J., Comaroff J. L. Theory from the South. Or, how Euro-America is evolving toward Africa. Boulder: Paradigm Publ.; 2012. 272 p. ISBN 978-1594517655.

4. Alatas S. F., Sinha V. Sociological theory beyond the canon. London: Palgrave Macmillan; 2017. 401 p. ISBN 978-1137411334.

5. Patel S. (ed.) The ISA handbook of diverse sociological traditions. London: SAGE Publ.; 2010. 384 p. ISBN 978-1847874023








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