Post-COVID ethics of work as a perspective for the development of self-employment in Russia


Sadovaya Viktoria1


1. Institute of Socio-Political Research of FCTAS RAS, Moscow, Russia


The article discusses the process of transferring the financial and economic activities of most self-employed entrepreneurs to the digital space, which was forced by the conditions of the remote work format during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the established legislative framework during the period of self-isolation. The analysis of the current legislative framework, which is included in the article, makes it possible to identify general trends in removing barriers to engage a larger group of entrepreneurs in a new format of working, as well as immersing the main financial instruments in the Internet. On the basis of empirical data obtained in the course of quantitative (data analytics of queries in Yandex.Direct) and qualitative sociological research (content analysis of financial applications) the features of registration and registration procedures in the digital space were formed, the online platforms of the Federal Tax Service and the largest banking organizations for servicing financial and economic activities for the self-employed were analyzed, including financial instruments. A number of main aggregators and marketplaces are distinguished by industries of the activity sphere of the self-employed according to the criterion of popularity in Internet search engines. The specificity of web analytics of the dynamics and content of search queries allows us to draw conclusions about the most pressing topics, both for the self-employed and for those interested in this topic for the purpose of subsequent registration and use of financial instruments on the Internet. Based on these requests, there is a surge of interest in self-employed entrepreneurship, the criteria for registering self-employment during the pandemic and post-pandemic, an active study of the specifics of tax liabilities and financial and economic activities, typical characteristics of search behavior and priority online platforms in the Yandex.Direct system have been formed.


Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FCTAS RAS)

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